Title: Sehnsucht
Notice: Polish promo cassette with 2 infosheets.
Condition: Very good.
album lasts 43 minutes and 58 seconds.
If we’re talking about the contents, we meet again with
crude/coarse riffs, just like on the previous record. However,
“Sehnsucht” is much more melodic and much more living, than the
previous one. It also contains more electronics, was mainly
inspirited by the works of Ministry.
In the text we deal again with the wide concept of love, also in
extreme forms. The title songs is about the longing for the lover,
about not very happy angels, “Tier”
about molestation (with some reference to zoophilia), “Bestrafe
and “Bück
are sadomasochistic confessions, “Alter
Mann” is
about passing, “Du
about negation of marriage so to say, “Spiel
mit mir”
about incest, “Klavier”
about the murder of pianist, “Eifersucht”
about widely understood jealousy and “Küss
about vagina. Let us also add, thet the last 2 tracks have never been
played live (it’s year 2008 when I’m writing this text), though
was part of the soundtrack to the film “Wing
was rarely played, replaced on the setlist in the course of time with
and “Klavier”.
During the recording session some tracks, like “Kokain”
or “Schwarzes
(recorded once again), were rejected. On the various versions of the
album appeared also another, later created songs: English versions of
“Du hast” and “Engel”, “Stripped” and “Du riechst so
gut” (about the last two ones we will be further speaking). The
polish version of the album should be also mentioned, on which we can
hear Till Lindemann speaking in Polish, as a bonus before the tracks,
these sacramental words: “Hallo, cześć
jesteśmy Rammstein. Pozdrawiamy całą Polskę I
życzymy wielu miłych wrażeń w słuchaniu naszej nowej płyty, pod
tytułem Sehnsucht” („Hallo, hi we are Rammstein. We’re
greeting the entire Poland and we wish you a lot of nice experience,
while listening to our new album, named “Sehnsucht”).
(Translation by Maria Magdalena Biedziak)
Catalogue Number: | Info soon.. |
Barcode: | Info soon.. |
Matrix: | Info soon.. |
Factory: | Info soon.. |
Labelcode: | Info soon.. |
Copyright: | Info soon.. |
Country | Poland |